Changed: A lot of adaptations have been made to be compatible with and the last plugins (MySQL, Objects Streamer...).
Fixed: Several bugs have been fixed due to compatibility issues (e.g. on vehicle death and spawn).
Removed: Blackjack tables (casino).
Removed: Reset system (based on activity).
Removed: Clan Wars.
Added: Your guns are automatically removed if you damage another player (with a firearm) without a weapon's licence.
Changed: The rewards in the city key mission have been increased.
Changed: The Hitmen inside the green zones "City Hall" and "City Key Delivery" don't lose CP anymore by killing cops.
Fixed: Several bugs have been fixed.
Added: New command for WSE : /elastcp for enabling / disabling the command /lastcp for all players in a race created in event.
Changed: some planes for pilots have been changed or moved (Beagles have been changed to Shamals).
Changed: The car park icons close to the houses don't show anymore the dialog box automatically (what was annoying). A command /carpark has been made for displaying it from these icons.
Fixed: Some unreachable Sprunk machines have been removed from the drink system. The locations displayed on /torepair for some of them have been corrected.
Fixed: Some other bugs reported by players have been fixed.
In Progress: New commands for WSE : /efly and /eflys made by Jonni for flying in event ! Press the 'crouch key' (on foot) and the 'horn key' (in vehicles) for enabling / disabling it.
N.B. This feature is still in progress and will be fully available soon.
Added: An interior for shamal (press G at the door). Passengers die if the shamal explodes ! You can discuss with the pilote and people around the plane.
Added: /jailme for jailing yourself in LSPD.
Changed: The message for mineworkers and farmers displaying the digs/plants is different when it's the Happy Hours.
Changed: The limit for Race CPs has been changed from 300 to 500 as it was too low for the Gumball !
Changed: The commands for starting games (from gaming zones) accept a parameter (e.g. "/dm 10") for changing the delay from 10 to 60 secondes (default is 30 seconds).
Changed: The bet limits for the blackjack tables have been changed from 1-10 & 10-100 to 1-100 & 100-10000 rcash.
Fixed: Some bugs have been fixed (including teleporting a vehicle in bank and getting mayor job).
Added: Happy Hours (between 16:00 to 20:00 ingame time) which gives some advantages :
- cheap TPs from everywhere to /bank, /boat, /ls, /sf, /lv (more locations added soon).
- double digs and plants (digs for next level divided by 2).
- /heal and /repair without any time limit.
- no CP loss for hitmen killing cops.
- no time limit for adding hits.
Added: /mymarket for displaying your own goods in market.
Added: /sellminerals for displaying your minerals for sale (in the pro chat).
Added: /myores for displaying your ores.
Added: Broken machines are also listed by using /torepair.
Changed: The gangzones in clan war are reset every month.
Changed: The clan war has been improved by switching clans when all defenders have left the territory.
Changed: The clan war continues (instead of being cancelled) and attackers are excluded if they have not came back into the territory before the end of the 15 secondes countdown,
then a new clan may joins the clan war.
Changed: /location is available for SGs.
Changed: The monthly activity limit for avoiding resets have been reduced to 100 (instead of 300).
Fixed: Some minor bugs about clan war and some missions.
Added: 86 achievements have been added. Your achievements are available from /achievements. The score (tab) displays your progress (percentage).
Added: The command /fire is back for the mayor and the godfather. The main items used by players for getting their jobs are refunded when they are fired.
Added: The ingame "world time" is displayed on your sa-mp client.
Changed: The command /duel is also available for the mayor.
Changed: The rules have been updated.
Changed: The radio and the diamond can be stored in your stock.
Changed: The delay for getting back to the truck (in fuel mission) has been increased to 30 seconds.
Removed: The Mayor's signature and the Godfather's agreement are no longer buyable.
Added: Your shared keys can be recovered from the dialog box : /mykeys.
Added: /enotfreeze has been added for WSE members (freeze all players excepted listed ones).
Added: /epickup (heart and armour) has been added for WSE members. The previous command has been changed to /epickupgun.
Added: /cmc is available as a short command for /callmycar.
Added: Mutes are now logged to your admin record.
Changed: The lottery increases of 500rc instead of 100rc everyday.
Changed: Jail times ⩾ 120s will be saved to your admin record instead of 300s before.
Removed: The lamppost on the sidewalk leading to the Mayor's house has been removed.
Added: The market stores any stock for 7 days (real time). When this period expires, this stock is destroyed. You can use /market for removing your stock before it expires.
Changed: The market displays your stock in yellow and the expiry period for each stock.
Fixed: Clan war was bugged when two clan-mates were fighting before being joined by an opponant (from another clan).
Added: A command /emotd for WSE members displaying a "message of the day" on login.
Added: The pro chat /p displays the levels for jobs using levels.
Changed: In event world, kills from the SeaSparrow or the Hunter are not detected as Fake-kills.
Changed: Killing a team mate in a clan war gives 1 point to the opponent and no CP is lost.
Fixed: Minor health and spawn bugs.
Added: The IRC system gets the list of voiced users when the server starts (for displaying a correct list from /irc without waiting users to connect/reconnect from IRC).
Added: Players who shot and hit a vehicle or a player have to wait 2-3 seconds before being allowed to use /enter.
Added: A default text has been added for commands which can't be used and don't return a specific text (instead of displaying "Unknown command").
Added: A new race has been added. More races could be added later without having to restart the server.
Fixed: Some players having a high ping were sometimes falling under stairs in bank (donator spawn).
Fixed: Players who were leaving a race were sometimes teleported to a wrong position.
Fixed: Players who don't own a skin were not able to select a job skin from /jobskin.
Added: Driving Tests locations added to the GPS.
Added: Sprunk, Wine, Beer and Cigarettes are also available from the LS Gaming Zone.
Added: The command /myecard for knowing if you have taken your daily ecard or not.
Added: New level for WSE group called "Trial" for helping to recruit new WSE Staff.
Added: A text has been added for the command /reload.
Added: The command /suspected displays the wanted level.
Added: The Driving Test H for driving boats has been made.
Changed: The timer displayed for the driving tests have been improved.
Changed: All chat messages and PMs start by a tag showing the command used (e.g. [PM] for PMs, [C] for clan chat, [P] for pro chat, [D] for donator chat, etc).
Changed: The clan chat displays the statuses "Leader", "Boss" and "Member" before the name.
Changed: Class selection removed after login. Use /jobskin at job spawn for choosing the male of female skin for your job.
Changed: Optimisation for spawns : SetSpawnInfo is dynamically set for changing spawns instead of teleporting players from job spawn.
Changed: Job colors for Mineworkers, Farmers and Drug Dealers have been slightly lighten.
Changed: The kill list doesn't display the invalid kills anymore.
Changed: Looping anims can't be cancelled while falling.
Removed: The big Text "You are wanted by the Police!" has been removed.
Fixed: Health bug for medikits used while getting damages.
Fixed: Godfather's spawn is back to LV Caligula's casino.
Fixed: The vehicles parked (house spawn) were not correctly moved to their original spawn after a reset.
Fixed: The gymfight has been fixed (No CP loss and the reward goes to the winner).
Added: A new game for playing to races has been added to the gaming zones : /race.
Added: A new command /clanwars has been added for the first participants entering in the clan war's territory (for avoiding any unwanted start).
Added: The mayor can get an armour from his limosine (like for SWATs from a SWAT truck).
Changed: Players AFK in a game will be automatically kicked by the server.
Changed: The new armour at spawn for SWATs and Mayor will be given after a suicide only.
Changed: The armour transactions have been improved with less restrictions (for SWATs, Mayor, Godfather, Hitmen and Players with a hit ≥ 500 Rcash).
Changed: The IRC echo uses two bots instead of one.
Removed: Ad-Words such as "Spring Vale" have been removed from the Anti-Advert.
Fixed: The armour was sometimes instantly lost (even by a simple punch) after being killed by HS.
Fixed: The spawn protection (10 seconds) was sometimes disabled for other spawns (other than job spawn).
Added: Players can have a 2nd job.
Changed: Getting a weapon licence gives 3CP instead of 1CP.
Fixed: Some minor bugs.
Added: Players can fill up the fuel tank of the vehicles (price = 0.1Rc/L + 2Rc) : /buyfuel.
Added: A market is available for selling objects from your stock.
- for adding an amount of objects from your stock and set the price : /stocktomarket ‹RCASH amount› ‹number of objects› ‹object name›.
- for buying these objects from the market (you pay the price for the amount of objects) : /market.
- sellers get money once per day (real time), at login or at midnight.
- a webpage displays the list of the available objects for sale by players : market.
Changed: Several commands are now available even when you are suspected : /ls, /sf, /lv, commands for sidejobs and miniparkour.
Fixed: Owners can't call their vehicles while swimming or being under sea level.
Changed: Woodcutters earn 5 Rcash after delivering logs to Godown.
Changed: Player holding a mystery item are included to the other conditions on death (hits, kill in clanwars, etc).
Removed: The driving-trainer job (a.k.a. Lgiver) has been removed. Players can use the command /drivingtest from the driving school vehicles.
Added: The missing commands /mayor and /godfather have been made.
Added: A new "Dance job" is available for prostitutes in the Pig Pen for earning Rcash : /dancejob.
Changed: At 6:00 (bank time), donators receive +35 RCASH (20 RCASH if AFK) + their donation converted in Rcash (1€ = +1 RCASH).
Changed: At 6:00 (bank time), other players (not donators) receive +30 RCASH (15 RCASH if AFK).
Fixed: Some texts about /help and other commands (e.g. /thepigpen instead of /thebigpen) have been corrected.
Changed: Several colors have been edited for being more distinct (some jobs, blue for the games instead of green, etc).
Changed: All No-kill zones ("Red" Zones) are considered as no-weapon zones.
Changed: The No-kill zones are excluded from the clanwar's territory.
Fixed: A bug has been fixed about the clanwars (the first team-mate entering inside the territory wasn't correctly added to the clanwar).
Added: The Gaming Zones are back (LS, LV and SF) as it has been requested by several players.
Added: The server gives 20L of fuel for all vehicles at spawn with less than 20L (once per day), for avoiding vehicles out of fuel at spawn (because mechanics don't refuel them).
Added: Several maps are back (/emaps for WSE members, the Dancefloor, etc).
Changed: It's possible to start and win a clan-wars without any opponant, some parts have been clarified, air vehicles can't be used in clan-wars, and players respawn in the territory after death.
Changed: Players can pay 25rc for the GF's agreements (Caligula's casino) and mayor's signatures (mayor's house) instead of asking them (because they are often offline).
Changed: Big planes (Boeing) don't use fuel (unlimited fuel).
Changed: The warning message for players without passports in LV and SF is displayed for 60 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
Changed: The activity value for decreasing job levels of the inactive players has been changed (it decrease if the activity is < 50 instead of < 300).
Changed: The message from players starting a minigame will be displayed in 4 Dragons and 150m around the doors of the LS Gaming Zone (what includes the Bank).
Fixed: Some bugs have been fixed about the Wood-Cutter job.
Added: Wood Cutter job (original script made by Zaib).
Changed: Color changed to a gold-yellow (instead of purple) for Pilots.
Fixed: Some minor bugs.
Added: New job: Pilot – Fly to different airports to earn RCASH, includes a brand-new job quest and new item. Bonuses for completing consecutive routes (Incomplete).
Added: You will receive a warning when the vehicle you are driving is running low on fuel.
Added: You can buy Sprunk, Beer, Wine and Cigarettes from the upstairs area in the bank.
Added: Gas station locations added to the GPS system for Mechanics and Engineers so they can find the fuel stations while doing the refinery job mission (GPS available from 24-7 store in LS).
Added: You can now request events directly to WSE using “/reqevent” if they have their requests enabled.
Added: A spawn for donators has been added inside the bank (Use “/setspawn” as a donator) to respawn in the bank after deaths.
Added: Hardware store + Mixing workplace added to the GPS (/gps, /cgps to cancel).
Added: Players who don’t log in for 10 minutes are kicked from the server, this is to avoid potential username hijacking that could occur, where a player connects with another player’s name and the real one can’t connect (Thanks to our developer PewDiePie!).
Added: Added a new section to /help -> FAQs – for the questions most asked by new players (Part of making WS more “new-player” friendly).
Added: For unknown commands, there’ll be a message advising you can find more commands by using /help (Part of making WS more “new-player” friendly).
Added: Players with less than 900 activity will see some help messages every so often advising them of help options or useful tips (Part of making WS more “new-player” friendly).
Added: Helpers can set a teleport checkpoint for easier helping of players without teleporting to a wrong place. (Part of making WS more “new-player” friendly).
Added: The rules are displayed on account registration, login and by using the command /rules.
Added: The LS gym is accessible now with a fighting aspect inside.
Added: Added some missing help texts (for WSE, for quests, for services, for misc).
Changed: Job changes are now instant (for getting a new job or resigning your current job, you won’t die anymore) (Part of making WS more “new-player” friendly).
Changed: The job registration timer has been removed, saving players waiting 2 minutes in the job house (Part of making WS more “new-player” friendly).
Changed: Continue job timers for trashcollect, mowing and sweeping changed to 60 seconds up from 30.
Changed: /sms 911 has been changed, using this command will use /police automatically instead – use /cpolice to cancel.
Changed: Clan boss chat (/cb) will show the rank of the member, to differentiate from regular /c chat.
Changed: Payments for the public driver job missions have been increased.
Changed: The fuel bar has changed slightly: Depending on how much fuel your vehicle has it will display the fuel as red (low), yellow (enough) or green (near full). The RPM/velocity counter will be blue instead of red to differentiate for the change.
Changed: There will be less chat spam for Mineworkers while digging, their progress percentage will be displayed in a text draw.
Changed: Announcements from admins are changed, announcements will show the admin name in the announcement now.
Fixed: Masks are removed when entering event world and restored when leaving event world, the same as other customisation objects.
Fixed: When using weapons/objects that change camera and wearing a mask (i.e. looking through a sniper rifle scope or aiming a camera), your mask will no longer obstruct the view if you wear one.
Fixed: Corrected an issue where vehicle 1 keys were being displayed as vehicle 2, did not affect the feature as it still worked but was displayed incorrect.
Fixed: You won’t get stuck inside the sex shop anymore.
Added: Players can now purchase masks to wear in-game, there are 3 new objects and the objects are not unique, which means multiple players can own the same mask. You can buy one from the hats shop (Commands: /wearmask, /unwearmask).
Added: Players can also purchase different helmets. You will no longer receive one automatically on a motorcycle, you can buy one from the hats shop. If you own a helmet, you’ll automatically wear it when you get on a motorbike.
Added: The winner of the monthly election for Mayor can go to the Mayor’s office and type the command “/get mayor” to become the Mayor without waiting for an admin to set their job for them. If they resign from the job, it also removes their current election ranking and they cannot take it again during that month. If a Mayor resigns during the month, the next placed person in the elections can become the Mayor in the same way (“/get mayor”).
Added: Arenas: There are now 3 arenas that players can enter for a small fee and spawn vehicles inside dependant on the arena type (8 track racing, destruction derby and kickstart obstacle), vehicles will disappear after 20 seconds of not having a driver. Go to any of the large arenas in the 3 cities !
Added: Vehicle keys – If you own vehicle(s) you can purchase extra keys to give to other players so they have an access to your vehicle. You can purchase extra keys from the hardware shop in Montgomery.
Added: House keys – If you own a house you can purchase extra keys to give to other players so they have an access to your house. You can purchase extra keys from the hardware shop in Montgomery.
Added: Players are limited to receiving 1 house key at a time, but in exchange, can set their spawn to the shared house (/setspawn).
Added: WSE members now have an option to enable or disable the short freeze on respawn if an event takes place in a custom map or at a high enough altitude (/eautofreeze)
Added: Team Leaders for Journalist and Deejay team can add/remove offline members to/from their teams.
Added: Some missing help texts were added into the game mode.
Changed: WS 10-year anniversary: Bank time has been doubled (February 01 – May 31).
Changed: WS 10-year anniversary: Sidejob payouts have been doubled (excluding trawler mission, February 01 – May 31).
Changed: Comportment points have been limited to 20.
Changed: Instead of receiving 3 comportment points, you will now receive 1 every day you log in to the server and hold a weapon licence. This is to limit the possibility of almost ‘endless’ deathmatching in the server.
Changed: Dialogs for items you can get or buy have been changed slightly for a neater layout.
Changed: Administrators (“level 2+”) are now able to start or stop the IRC bots for easier IRC management.
Fixed: Resolved a bug that allowed users to purchase an electing card with their bag full, meaning they lose the RCASH but don’t receive the electing card and could not purchase another until the following day.
Fixed: Players inside a vehicle that is about to be teleported (/callmycar) will be removed from the vehicle to avoid a teleport bug abuse.
Fixed: Job house was missing from the GPS system.
Fixed: Previous fix: AFK players are set back to the correct virtual world again.
Changed: When you choose to spawn your vehicle at your house, the server saves it for keeping this choice after a server reboot.
Fixed: Some bugs have been fixed, including the passports durations (which will be correctly saved to "1095 days" after the quest).
Added: Players can now spawn at their house, after death, if they own one (/setspawn).
Added: New command to use repair kits directly from stock (/userepairkit).
Added: Server administrators can now jail and unjail players who are offline to deal with reports in a quicker manner.
Added: Team leaders (admin, WSE, developers) can add/remove offline players to their teams.
Added: Icons for getting/buying items added at Mayor’s office, FBI Department, 24-7 store, Governor’s office, Federal agency.
Added: Passports will now expire after 1,095 in-game days (3 in-game years), after this point, players will be required to purchase them again.
Changed: ZIP clothing (passport office) has been closed, players have to obtain passports from a quest available inside the Mayor’s office.
Changed: The id parameter has been removed from help as the help system has been removed in an earlier update.
Changed: Players can now edit their hats anywhere (/edithat).
Changed: Police, SWAT and Security Guards can respond to their calls (/sms 911 replaced with /police, /cpolice to cancel, authorities can use /ccall to cancel their response).
Changed: The number of checkpoints for the sweeping job has been changed resulting in a shorter quest.
Changed: Farmers now have the option to save their compost during planting if they want to (/plant or /plant 1 to use compost, /plant 0 to not use compost.
Changed: Added a message that’s displayed to users when the last login date is saved (either at login or moving to new day and player already online) letting them know how much more activity they need to avoid losing their items to the auctions, also available in "/activity".
Changed: Server administrators are no longer prevented from becoming Mayor or Godfather (though if they are able to take the job, they should evaluate if they can spare the time to do so first).
Fixed: Fixed an issue with admins and WSE spectate.
Fixed: Fixed a bug where some vehicles spawn in SF after auctions.
Fixed: You can no longer start the trash collection job as the passenger, you must be driving a “trashmaster” truck to start it.
Changed: The command /lockmyaccount is not available if your total-activity or your month-activity is below 300 activity points.
Fixed: Some bugs have been fixed, including the passports quest. Thank you for your reports !
Added: GPS system (50rc from the 24/7 store) : /gps and /cgps.
Added: Trawler Mission (Quest 16) : /trawl and /invite for the captain and /trawling for the crew members.
Added: New players get a message in bank reminding them to use their check.
Changed: The messages displayed when entering to another city without the valid passport are more explicit.
Changed: You need the LV passport to choose farmer or mineworker at job house.
Changed: The job SMS will now only be displayed if you already have 25 RC.
Changed: Several commands allow to enter the player name (or a part of the name) instead of the player ID.
Changed: The camera is allowed in eworld (as a weapon set by a WSE member).
Fixed: Some bugs have been fixed and the CheckPoint system has been improved.
Changed: The Comportement Points are limited to 100.
Fixed: Some bugs have been fixed.
Removed: The Help Points have been disabled.
Added: The command /irc will display the list of users on IRC echo channel.
Added: New command for WSE (kill spree limit) : /espree.
Added: New command for WSE (Super Weapon) : /esweapon & /eswoptions.
Added: New command for DJs (enabling/disabling requests) : /request.
Added: New quest : /pizzaboy.
Added: New locations for mystery items.
Changed: Some server prices for fast vehicles have been increased.
Changed: The driving licences will be received from the driving trainers (aka licence givers) after a driving test (checkpoints to pass).
Changed: The command /getid will also check the name from users on IRC echo channel.
Changed: All players will be able to own 2 vehicles (instead of donators only).
Changed: The bank time won't be divided per 2 for AFK players (the old system is back).
Changed: The reset system is processed in two steps : every saturday (players unlogged since 31 days) and every month (activity < 300 and monthly-activity < 300).
Removed: The command /mode (medic mode vs spawn mode) is removed, only the spawn mode remains.
Removed: The Gaming Zones are removed.
Removed: The mission "protect the mayor" (/protectme) is removed.
Removed: The limit (based on players activity) for the command /bet (at casino) is removed.
Removed: The command /heal doesn't require a medikit.
Changed: The rank for clans is ordered by gangzones owned in the previous month, then points (if ranked).
Added: The Luckyman can buy other colors and wheels for his limousine from carshop (it will save everything as a vehicle owner).
Fixed: Some bugs have been fixed.
Added: A new command /n for sending a question (if you are a newbie or if you need help).
Added: Several maps available from /emaps (for WSE), including DE_Aztec.
Changed: A clan wars will start from 3 members instead of 5 (3 vs 3 for free gangzones, or 3 invaders for owned gangzones).
Changed: The messages sent from the command /@ will be sent to admins only (helpers can't read it).
Changed: The VIP rank (for reaching the mayor election) includes the helpers (it still excludes the admins).
Fixed: Some minor bugs have been fixed.
Added: A mission "protect the mayor" for hitmen and SGs/SWATS and a new rank for the mayor (reputation points) : /protectme.
Added: A clan wars and a new rank for clans (gangzones owned).
Added: /en and /ex for shortering the commands /enter and /exit
Added: Medics can use the command /dropmedikit for adding some medikits to hospitals (they earn 2rc per medikit).
Added: 4 maps inspired by CS 1.6 (made by jackob), available from the command /emaps (for WSE) : CS_Assault, CS_Inferno, DE_Dust, DE_Train.
Removed: Tokens will be totally removed. All tokens will be converted into rcash.
Removed: The waiting-time (15 seconds) for the command /callmycar will be removed.
Changed: A driving licence will be valid for 3 ingame years (1095 ingame days, what's about 1 month irl), if not previously lost after carkilling...
Changed: The command /hospital will be available near hospitals for healing yourself.
Changed: The command /heal requires a medikit from stock.
Changed: Being healed from hospitals uses a medikit.
Changed: Hospitals will heal you in 15 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
Changed: The waiting-time (15 seconds) for the medics will be reduced to 5 seconds.
Changed: The waiting-time (30 seconds) for mechanics/engineers will be reduced to 15 seconds for mechanics and 10 seconds for engineers.
Changed: A sprunk from machines will give +10HP for 1rc.
Changed: Nitro will be available for engineers.
Changed: In 'medic' mode, you don't pay 2rc after being killed, but you pay 2rc after being healed from hospital.
Added: It displays {LuckyWoman} instead of {LuckyMan} if you wear a girl skin.
Changed: Any anarchist who is at least a boss in the 1st clan ( can directly get the GF job in using a SD complete, a diamond and a white flag.
Changed: When a Godfather loses his job, he becomes hitman again with a valid agreement (365 days), for avoiding to lose his hitman job.
Changed: The signatures and agreements are stored in your bag only for the Mayor and the GF. For checking your valid signatures and agreements, please use /mysignatures.
Changed: It's not possible to get the GF job if it is already used by another clanmate.
Changed: Helpers are allowed to become a GF (admins / head admins and supervisors are not allowed).
Changed: The camera is available inside the no-weapon zones.
Fixed: The command /ogate has been fixed, and it uses two fences.
Fixed: The dialog box in job house (which was not displayed again after closing it) has been fixed.
Added: A command /qm for quitting the server in displaying a message to players.
Changed: The command /debug is available even with some admins online. This command charges you 2 Rcash, for avoiding its abuse and for checking its use in logs.
Changed: The Four Dragons Casino and the 3 Gaming Zones have been added to the no-kill / no-weapon zones.
Changed: The limit of tokens from the command /buytokens has been set to 500 tokens (instead of 100).
Changed: The command /buytokens is also available from casino machines / tables.
Fixed: The texts above all plants are displayed again.
Fixed: The Poker machine has been fixed : "jacks or better" is a pair of jacks or a pair of better cards (instead of only 1 jack or better card).
Added: casino black jack (scripted by SickAttack, adapted by Raphinity).
Added: casino slot machine (scripted by Drebin, adapted by Raphinity).
Added: poker machine (scripted by Grimrandomer, adapted by Raphinity).
Added: /nolimit : a new game available in gaming zones, without any limit : a lot of vehicles, a lot of weapons, a lot of objects, a lot of spawns, a lot of fun (by Raphinity / lnsolvee)
Added: a new mission for Public Drivers (by Zaib).
Added: a camera for journalists.
Added: 2 commands about journalists : /j and /journalists.
Added: 2 commands for mechanics : /torepair and /torefuel.
Changed: 25 slots instead of 5 for saving maps created in eworld (ingame map editor for WSE).
Changed: your time left in jail will be displayed by a Textdraw, instead of a spamming text in chat.
Added: /emute for muting players in event (for WSE only).
Fixed: some bugs fixed...
Changed: Player's health is totally restored at hospital (in Medic mode).
Changed: Helpers can unsuspect players with less than 300 activity points for helping them to get a job when there is no cop online.
Changed: Some job colors have been slightly adjusted for avoiding to confuse the helper color with the Lgiver color.
Changed: The command /me displays [ - ] instead of [ ! ] for differentiating it from the server's messages.
Fixed: Some bugs fixed...
Changed: The destinations for the mystery event / mission have been moved inside 3 no-kill zones : LS - Bank / SF - Skin Shop / LV - Airport Hangar.
Changed: In casino, you bet in paying with x tokens. If you lose, you get nothing. If you win, you get 2x Rcash.
Changed: In casino, you pay the lottery tickets with 10 tokens (instead of Rcash). If you win, you win the jackpot in Rcash (as before).
Changed: The Gambling rank (LuckyMan) will be reset every months.
Changed: The interior for the Hat Shop has been changed (Didier Sachs close to the previous Victim shop).
Changed: The automedic mode has been removed. You can use /mode for choosing between the Spawn mode (Job Spawn) and the Medic mode (medic or hospital).
Changed: The Godfather and the Mayor can't fire the Hitmen / SGs.
Added: The interior for the Skin Shop has been added (Victim shop).
Added: The last login date (and what is processed about it) will be updated at login (as before) and when the day changes (at midnight in real time).
Added: Mayor signs and GF agreements will be given for a period (365 ingame days, like for a vaccine).
Added: Players receive a warning message at midnight (ingame time) when their vaccine or their last signatures (from Mayor or GF) are almost obsolete.
Added: A command /duel for the Godfather. Hitmen or anarchists will be able to join a duel zone for 3 duels with the same weapons.
Added: A command /telmeback for the Helpers and Admins (it may be useful after having used /telmeto).
Added: A command /myhelpercolor for the Helpers (as for the admins).
Added: Splat (suicide) will be back in kill list.
Changed: The spawn kill protection is stopped when a player "damages" another player (instead of when a player "shoots" with a weapon).
Removed: The unoccupied vehicle damage is removed.
Removed: The auto-repair is no longer disabled when shooting a vehicle with a weapon, what means it will take longer to destroy a vehicle with weapons (due to the auto-repair).
Fixed: Some bugs fixed...
Added: Car Parks for houses - for spawning your vehicle(s) near your house.
Added: /lockmyaccount -> for locking your account for a period (60 days max per year) when you need to be away.
It excludes your account of the activities decrease, mw/farmer levels decrease, resets and auctions.
The days left will decrease from 60 to 0 everyday. It will be reset to 60 days on the 1st of january.
Added: New game machine - Stunt zone made by lnsolvee and MAFIA_WARS.
Added: Auto full-repair for stunt vehicles.
Added: Anti fall-off for stunt bikes.
Added: Command /r -> for replying to the last PM.
Added: /buytokens -> for getting some tokens (1 token costs 1 rcash).
Added: New interior for the LS Gaming Zone (moved in front of the Bank).
Changed: Contracts can be added on Mayor, Cops, SWATs and SGs only.
Changed: Contracts added will be displayed to Hitmen and the Godfather only.
Changed: A contract will be over on hitman death.
Changed: Remove the surplus items in stock at login according to the defined limits : medikits = 100 or 30, vaccines = 10 or 0, armours = 3 or 1, jerrycans = 10.
This change was planned after adding these limits, but it has been delayed for waiting players to use their "old" stocks, therefore it only concerns few players who still have got a big stock.
Changed: Citizen spawn moved close to the LS Train Station (closest to the bank).
Changed: 6 citizen skins added (8 skins available), 1 medic skin changed (219 to 308), 1 cop skin changed (192 to 306).
Changed: New server hostname "West-Side RPG ~" - for displaying our website or the event name in progress.
Changed: Any death by "splat" is considered as a suicide which leads to job spawn, even inside a no-Kill zone.
Changed: Every Event will cost 1 extra token as charge. You will need tokens for joining an event.
Changed: Games cost 2 tokens (1 token as charge and 1 token as reward for the winner) excepted the Stunt machine which is free.
Changed: You bet in tokens (instead of rcash) in casino -> if you win, you get the amount in rcash, and if you loose, you loose the amount in tokens.
Changed: Server jails have been increased (from 60 seconds to 120 seconds).
Changed: New organisation of the Admin Team (Helpers / Admins / Head Admins).
Fixed: Some bug fixed - weapons from main world in eworld, boundary bug in eworld, vehicle rotation after vehicle death (SetVehicleZAngle bug), no weapon for some players in some games, auto-suspect at spawn, etc.
Added: New command for WSE : /epop
Added: New command for WSE : /estuntbonus.
Added: MiniParkour : /miniparkour.
Added: When a drug-dealer spawns after the first announcement and before starting the go-fast, he will get the announcement.
Added: The wanted levels (star system) will be saved in players accounts.
Added: Engineers can't craft more armours when they have got 3 armours in their stock.
Added: Mineworkers and Farmers Levels will decrease from 5% for all inactive players (activity < 300 or not logged in since 31 days).
Added: The City Key is back (based on Zaib's script).
Added: Auto-Delete Admins Records (after 365 days for bans, 180 days for jails and 90 days for kicks). It will occur on weekly reset.
Changed: Some unused vehicles models changed (from this discussion).
Changed: Auctions and resets will be processed every saturday (instead of 8th, 18th and 28th days).
Changed: Some GTA-SA map glitches have been fixed (by adding or removing some objects) with John Blaze's help.
Changed: The reward for repairing a job vehicles and sprunk machines will be reduced from 5rc to 2rc.
Changed: The rewards for repairing and refueling vehicles will be limited per vehicle and per ingame day (for limiting some abuses).
Changed: Casino will be open 24/7.
Changed: Mowers mission has been moved close to the new job house.
Changed: Rewards from sweeper, trashmaster and mower quests will be reduced from 30 rcash to 15 rcash.
Changed: AFK players will get a lower "bank time" (half reward) : 7 Rcash or more for donators.
Changed: Events, Mystery Mission and Games will be based on Tokens instead of Rcash : /tokens , /givetokens , /donate (1 token costs 1 rcash).
Changed: Helpers (help points) will also get 1 token per help point received. The tokens will be initialised according to the current help points.
Changed: The command /debug will move the player after 30 seconds on the nearest street or ground (outside).
Changed: Improved some "holding weapons" positions for looking nicer and avoiding as much as possible some collisions between weapons or skins.
Changed: New command paramater for WSE : /startevent
Changed: Auto-Suspect hitmen near authorities.
Changed: Lgivers can use the command /checkdlicence.
Changed: There are also some minor changes made from suggestions...
Fixed: Several minor bugs fixed, thank you for the bug reports !
SA-MP Version: Server updated to SA-MP 0.3.7 (download SA-MP 0.3.7 client).
Added: A short tutorial for citizens (displayed after registering and from the command /tutorial).
Added: A great map made by lnsolvee for the new Job House.
Added: 2nd exit at the mayor house.
Added: Some AC improvements for helping admins.
Added: Auction system for goods owned by inactive players (it will occur between two reset dates) : /auctions and /mybids.
Added: A new command /eboundary for WSE.
Added: A new command /ecar for WSE.
Added: A new commande /ecollision for WSE
Added: Holding weapons system.
Added: Wearing an helmet on motorbikes.
Added: A new command /switchvehicles for changing your vehicles order (if you own 2 vehicles).
N.B. It will be useful because the 2nd vehicle is reset by losing your donator status or by wining an auction !
Changed: Default value for automedic is OFF (respawn at job spawn after death).
N.B. You will be able to change it from the command /automedic.
Changed: Job House entrance (for the new map).
Changed: The automatic reset system will include the banned players.
N.B. Admins won't be anymore put in charge to do it manually (depending on circumstances). It will avoid players to comment such admin's decision !
Changed: Medikits won't be automatically used (if Automedic is ON), you will need to choose between "medikit" and "hospital".
Changed: Some resets will be refunded (sell prices) depending on some circumstances : 2nd vehicle lost after losing your donator status, winning an auction whereas you already own this type of good.
Changed: Automatic unban system. It will automatically unban players for bans older than 60 days (instead of 31 days).
Changed: Removed /mycarinfo and added /myvehicles, which displays some informations about your vehicle(s).
Fixed: Some minor bugs fixed.
Added: /untrash for cancelling a last use of /trash
Added: Compost system
Added: Mower side-mission
Added: Vehicle for the last Gumball winner
Added: Your choice about "AutoMedic" (ON or OFF) will be saved.
Fixed: It was possible to use the commands trashstock / sellstock / stocktobag for the last weapon in stock, while it's a weapon used.
Fixed: Using /addhit will ignore afk cops for only auto-suspecting from active cops.
Fixed: Mineworker and Farmer levels were not correctly decreasing.
Changed: Trashmaster side-mission
Changed: The command /eweather for WSE members will require a new parameter
Changed: Planting areas have been changed, with some vehicles spawns
Changed: Camera movements for differentiating the "dying" mode (medikit used / medic call / hospital) and "death" mode (wasted / headshot).
Changed: The command /automedic (which enables/disables the automatic use of medikits) will spawn players at job spawn after dying, instead of hospital.
Changed: Citizens will be able to use /givercash, /giveitem, /accept, /sellitem, /sellstock and /trashstock, if they have got at least 300 activity points.
Changed: Citizens will be able to use /addhit.
Changed: Citizens will be able to buy a car.
Changed: Players will be able to use /sellitem and /sellstock for selling to citizens.
Changed: After login, citizens will spawn at the previous position (like all other jobs) instead of job spawn.
Changed: 60 seconds jail instead of kick for : car-kill, spawn-kill, kill in forbidden place, fight in no-kill zone.
Changed: The tuning system has been re-scripted and improved (using the left, right and enter keys) for allowing all valid components depending on vehicle models
Changed: Disable /callmycar inside no-kill zones
Changed: /vinfo
Changed: The Virtual Games will always be available (they won't be open between 8:00 to 20:00 only).
Changed: A mechanic will receive 2rc for refueling a vehicle out of fuel, and 1rc for repairing a broken vehicle. For job vehicles, they get 5rc in both cases.
However, there are some limits : no more money is given for repairing more than 5 job vehicles or 25 vehicles for 1 ingame day...
Changed: For Mayor and Godfather, their mineworker and mineworker levels won't decrease anymore.
Changed: Side-mission vehicles (Sweepers, Trashmasters and Mowers) won't need fuel.
Changed: Anims and /callmycar are disabled while falling
Changed: A message is displayed before accepting to become an engineer if your mineworker level is above 10, as it's reset to 10
Added: Any donator will be able to own a 2nd vehicle. This vehicle will be reset if the vehicle is not sold before losing the donator status.
Added: Help Points change.
Added: command /aka
Added: item and stock item for "10L Jerry Can" (for refueling by step of 10L instead of 20L, what will be useful for little tanks).
Added: Command /changename for renaming yourself at mayor house (cost : 500rc, and minimum 300 activity points).
Added: item and stock item "Repair Kit" for fixing your engine after its break (it will only set a low vehicle health with smoke).
Changed: The command /callmycar won't be disabled for broken engine.
Changed: Farms and mines added in no-kill zones.
Changed: All ranks based on your "global activity" will be based on your "last month activity". It will concern the VIP rank, the Max bet and the Clans rank.
Changed: The max bet (in rcash) for gambling will be equal to your "last month activity" (instead of 10% of your "global activity"). The gambling rank (luckyman) will be reset.
Changed: The maximum mineworker level will be reduced to 100 for more competition.
Changed: The activities (global and monthly) will start to decrease after 5 inactive days instead of 7 days.
Changed: Medics will receive 2rc for healing a dying victim (instead of 5rc) as they can also make, sell and drop medikits for earning money.
Changed: After a vehicle explosion, it will be teleported to its previous position (instead of vehicle spawn), so you will be able to fix its engine with a "Repair Kit".
Changed: No need a mechanic for buying a vehicle from server. You will be able to buy it from everywhere.
Changed: No need a WSE member for starting a game in a gaming zone.
Changed: Some prices changed about clans (no more information about it).
Changed: The Merit Award and SD Parts will be received in stock instead of bag.
Changed: Disconnecting in dying mode will respawn you at hospital with 50HP after login (it costs 2rc).
Fixed: Airborn, the random selection between Hydra and Hunter was not correctly made.
Fixed: The tractors will be defined as "one seat".
Added: The 3 gaming zones for starting several games will be available again (after a quick appearance in r103 before reverting to r102).
Added: A system of 3 red crosses displayed on the health bar will inform you about your sickness progress (for 10 ingame days).
Added: New command /myvaccine.
Added: /dropmedikit for medics who can drop a medikit, and earn 1RC when it's picked up by somebody (who pays 1RC).
Added: /fueltanker for displaying the quantity of fuel in the tanker.
Changed: Medics will wait 15s instead of 30s between each /heal ...
Changed: The health at "dying" position (from a medikit or from a medic) will change to 45HP (instantly) + 30HP (progressive).
Changed: The spawn kill protection will also occur after being healed in "dying" position.
Changed: New limits. For medics : 100 medikits and 10 vaccines in stock. For other ones : 30 medikits and 0 vaccine in stock.
Changed: Bottle of Fuel will be renamed to Jerry Can.
Changed: The Jerry Can will now contain 20L.
Changed: The "20L Fuel Jerry Can" can be added in stock.
Changed: The help message concerning the Quest 13 is clarified.
Changed: Mechanics will get 1rc bonus for fueling vehicles without any fuel (from a jerrycan or a gas station).
Changed: Players won't be ejected from a vehicle without any fuel (its engine will be stopped).
Changed: Messages "Wasted" and "HeadShot".
Fixed: Mechanics will get 5rc bonus for fueling job vehicles with less than 30% of fuel (from a jerrycan or a gas station).
Fixed: Engineers will be able to drive the truck for the fuel mission.
Fixed: More available commands in "dying mode" (/pm and some admins commands).
Fixed: Teleporting a freezed player on a map in event won't unfreeze him anymore.
Fixed: Other bug fixes...
Changed: Automatic resets will occur at 8PM instead of 00:00.
Changed: Automatic resets will ignore banned players.
Changed: Medic job upgrade.
Changed: Mechanic job upgrade.
Changed: The mineworker and Farmer levels won't be reset after changing job but will decay everyday (5% per day).
Changed: The WSE will be able to activate the "Unnocupied Vehicle Damage" in eworld.
Changed: The WSE will be able to save their "temporary" maps made ingame.
Changed: Mystery items will be moved, and more locations will be added.
Added: Automatic delete system for old accounts (older than 365 days).
Added: Automatic unban system. It will automatically unban players for bans older than 31 days.
Changed: The weather in main world and in eworld will be managed separately.
Fixed: Bug fixes.
Fixed: Fixed a bug about Spawn kill protection
Changed: "/sms 477 yes" is always usable now
Fixed: Fixed Entering / exiting areas ("welcome to") by teleporting
Fixed: No-kill zones ("Red" Zones) where it's forbidden to fight / kill.
Added: Automedic zone ("Green" Zones) where you respawn at your death position if a medikit is in your bag.
Added: WSE: Headshot system improved
Added: WSE: Weapon pickups (list)
Added: WSE: Objects (list)
Changed: Vending machines (Textdraw + break system). Mechanics can use /repair for repairing a broken machine (they earn +1rc).
Added: Added the "armour" item (crafted by engineers).
Changed: The armours will be got by some different ways (for more information : here).
Changed: SGs can protect a player for free (without giving armour bonus)
Changed: Hitmen and SGs were able to obtain flags. It has been fixed.
Added: Drug Dealers are going to get a baseball bat.
Added: changes to the skin selection (job automatically selected).
Fixed: Some bugs about spawn and about weapons have been fixed (some parts of codes have been totally rewritten).
Added: Default weapons (shovel, baseball bat, knife, brass knuckles, etc) will always be given (according to jobs).
Added: The functions made for displaying the location "[City - Zone]" in main world (and for /whereis) will be used for displaying the event name in eworld. /whereis will display in green where the player joined the event.
Changed: /kisslove will be disabled in vehicle, bank doors (like for other anims).
Changed: The armour will now be saved (like for the health).
Changed: The limit of medikits in stock is now 10.
Changed: Wearing a Hat or not will be saved (like for the skin).
Changed: Glasses and Hats will be correctly set according to your choice (/wearxxx, /unwearxxx) after spawn and after event.
Changed: Some admins/WSE commands have been edited for avoiding to get some wrong interactions between main world and eworld, what wasn't well managed.
Changed: A player jailed while in event will automatically leave the event.
Changed: The goods (vehicles, skins, houses, hats and glasses) owned by unlogged players since 31 days (inactive players) will be automatically reset (three times / month).
Changed: Some changes have been made about CP loss and wanted level.
Changed: The wanted level (stars) will be displayed above players head.
Added: WSE will have a new command (/emap) for teleporting to maps.
Added: Several new maps have been added for the eworld. The LS Track will be also available from main world.
Changed: Improved the display for locations "[City - Zone]". It hides it in unknown zones, and it displays "San Andreas" in unknown cities.
Changed: For avoiding to escape a fight, players will join the event 3 seconds after typing /event, if they haven't been shot or killed. For more realism, a screen on a tablet will display the name of the event !
Changed: Moved the Air Shop to a bigger hangar at LV Airport, for planes, and now for helicopters.
Changed: Added map icons for Boat Shop and Air Shop.
Changed: HeadShot will be disabled for any victim in a "green zone" (automedic area) or in a "no-kill zone".
Changed: Changed the players limit to 100 (according to the current server limitations).
Fixed: And some unlisted bug fixes (found by players or by the dev team).
Added: Event head-shot system that can be activated/deactivated by WSE members during events with the command /ehs.
Added: Clan bosses/leaders can set a "MOTD" for their clan with the command /cmotd. (Message of the day)
Added: After a hit is executed on a player, you can't add another hit on them for 5 minutes or until they reconnect.
Added: Detailed location information ( LS | Commerce 4 => LS | Bank ) [released early by TPD]
Added: Admin record system logs your jails, kicks and bans.
Changed: Players can now use the commands to sell goods (/sell, /sellxxx) for selling to a player with the ID as parameter. e.g. /sellitem
Changed: Players can now use the ignore command to ignore transactions.
Changed: Spawn kill system has been changed - spawn protection is disabled after 10 seconds, firing weapon or moving.
Changed: "Donut" item has been entirely removed from the server.
Changed: "Cake" item has been removed as a purchasable item. Admins may still give this item out.
Changed: Command "/listeners" is now available for all players. It displays listeners for all radios instead of WS radio only.
Changed: Changed the event headshot system for WSE members.
Changed: /mystats displays more information: Name, job, VIP rank and planting/digs required for next level (for mineworker/farmer only).
Changed: Players without a driving licence won't be able to use /callmycar now.
Fixed: A bug with the /sellskin command has been resolved.
Fixed: /buyskin and /sellskin are no longer disabled, you may buy and sell your skins again.
Fixed: Animations are cleared for players who go AFK (to avoid seeing /pee "streams" in all worlds).
Fixed: Commands "/whereismycar" and "/whereismyhouse" are disabled to players on quests or races.
Fixed: A bug with random ignoring of other players has been fixed.
Fixed: Players will not be able to use any commands until they respawn after dying. This was still available on some commands.
Fixed: A drug dealer that is killed at "go-fast start area" can now continue the "go-fast" mission.
Fixed: A bug for WSE members deactivating their spectator mode has been resolved.
Fixed: A WSE member spectating a race can no longer win the race.
Fixed: A SWAT player can't spam /radarplayer, he has to use /stopradar first.
Fixed: Wanted level of hitmen will increase when killing suspected police.
Added: Server location text is more detailed. (Example: Being in the bank shows "LS | Bank" instead of "LS | Commerce 4").
Added: A cool-down period added for players who were killed with hits, after execution, players can't add hits on that player for 5 minutes.
Changed: Medikit still had item number when using /sellstock.
Fixed: Some commands could still be performed while a player was dead.
Added: Our server is now available in German, special thanks to NobleWolf for his support and time!
Added: Updated job selection system: Now uses dialogs, less spam in job house and players will see job detailed info before taking the job.
Added: The server rules agreement is now shown to registered players as well as new players, you have to agree each time you play.
Added: Admin level 3s can now set players as in-game developers.
Added: Command to use megaphone while driving authorities job vehicles for authority jobs.
Added: Hitmen who achieve a wanted level of 3 become "most wanted", they can then kill police without losing comportment points.
Added: Server administrators will be alerted when DM actions take place in the server.
Added: Players who add a hit on another player within range of an authority member will automatically be suspected.
Added: 3 new radio streams added to /radio list.
Changed: When you are dead, you can no longer use any server command until you respawn.
Changed: Only authorities (police and SWAT) can exit the second LSPD door into the LSPD parking lot, as an effort to reduce SWAT spawn-kill camping.
Changed: Server rules agreement now contains the URL of the West-Side RPG rules webpage.
Changed: You now need a mechanic in your vehicle to complete fuel or motor improvements.
Changed: Removed the numbers from some items names. (Example: "Banana +25" becomes "Banana")
Fixed: Prostitutes did not have to pay 50 RCASH when taking their jobs, resolved.
Fixed: "/kisslove" animation was missing.
Fixed: Resolved an issue with trashmaster side-jobs checkpoints randomly spawning.
Removed: The "/phone" command has been removed due to it becoming obsolete with the new megaphone command available to players with an authority job.
Added: New CCTV locations to go with the fixed bug, you can now view some more locations.
Fixed: Mysterious item missions in the bank are now working again as normal.
Fixed: When you rut out of fuel with a passenger on a motorcycle, you'll be ejected from the vehicle.
Fixed: Fixed a medikit stock limit bug.
Fixed: The police CCTV system can now be used as normal.
Fixed: Some animations were missing from the server (/wave + /wank).
Fixed: You can no longer perform animations with a 10 meter radius of the bank doors.
Fixed: You can no longer perform animations while inside a vehicle.
Fixed: Engineers no longer receive the mechanics bonus when refueling job vehicles.
Fixed: Resolved an issue where administrators would lose their wanted stars when unjailing a jailed player.
Fixed: Resolved an issue where administrators were getting incorrect health and armour values after spectating players.
Fixed: AC should no longer kick players who resign their jobs while holding a weapon.
Fixed: Changed the coding to reduce a bug with events world, where some players weren't able to enter events using the /event command.
Fixed: When the train runs out of fuel, you will be removed from the vehicle.
Fixed: Some deaths for players with hitman job were adding +2 kills to their kill-death ratios.
Fixed: Compatibility issue from 0.3x -> 0.3z : You were able to lose health in the bank.
Fixed: Compatibility issue from 0.3x -> 0.3z : Automatic suspecting for hitmen attacking cops wasn't working.
Fixed: Compatibility issue from 0.3x -> 0.3z : Head shot system wasn't working.
Fixed: If you die in "Tierra Robada" you will no longer see the hospital message twice.
Fixed: Some minor optimisation for the main server timer.
Removed: The "/nowhere" command has been removed because it is surplus to requirements in the server now.
Removed: The "/mont" command has been removed because it is surplus to requirements in the server now.
Removed: The "/qg" command has been removed because it is surplus to requirements in the server now.
Added: Cops and SWAT can now use /cctv without having to do /cctvoff first. (Added after the update)
Fixed: Fixed a bug where /buyitem would take RCASH from you with a full bag. (Added after the update)
Added: "DjAlex FM" added to streams list (/radio).
Added: 2 Bobcat vehicles for farmer job located at the Wisdom plant field - added a wooden shed object at the new vehicle spawn.
Added: 4 Sadler vehicles, ownable, 1 at each of the hospitals outside LS for easier transport.
Added: 2 map icons to display side jobs, they are indicated by a red flag icon.
Added: CCTV system for police officers and SWAT: They can use the command "/cctv" inside LSPD to view a selection of cameras.
Added: 4 CCTV locations for police officers and SWAT to monitor.
Added: Added television screen objects inside LSPD, for the CCTV location.
Added: New entrance into LSPD from the LSPD underground parking lot.
Added: Donut shop with interior at LS | Market.
Added: You can purchase donuts at the donut shop, police officers get short armour (as extra adrenaline) boost from buying donuts. Non-officers gain health boost.
Changed: Font of server time in lower right corner changed, now slightly easier to read in admin reports.
Changed: Set list colour of "West-Side Radio", "The DanceFloor" and "DjAlex FM" to blue as they are community-based radio streams.
Changed: Vending machines will now give you 25 HP for 1 RCASH.
Changed: All areas in which you can buy something (Sex shop, black market, 24-7, donut shop) now use dialogs. Use command: "/buyitem" in any of these places.
Fixed: Patch added for the star system, you will lose the stars on death correctly.
Fixed: Bank area no longer extends to bank roof.
Fixed: Timers resolved for trash collection side job, warning will no longer appear after quest completion.
Fixed: Timers resolved for sweeper side job, warning will no longer appear after quest completion.
Fixed: Resolved issue regarding checkpoints from trash collection appearing to players when not on quest.
Fixed: 3 second timer bug was causing issues with player transactions / overall gameplay.
Added: New star system for Suspects - Police/Security Guards/SWAT team members.
Fixed: Glitch with "/get yellow key" and "/get weaponsplan" : Players can start these routes while doing the trash collect and sweeper mission, making the CPs kinda glitchy.
Fixed: "/wreload" anim doesn't work : "/wreload 1-2" keeps returning the anim info and doesn't apply it.
Fixed: "/eputbomb" command doesn't work : It keeps saying "Bomb explosion is already in progress" everytime.
Fixed: Bug with trash collect mission -> eworld : Can be done there by spawning a trashmaster.
Fixed: Bug with sweeper mission -> eworld : Can't be abused but makes the route glitchy at the 2nd CP (situated at the farm for some reason) even after leaving eworld.
Fixed: Trash collect quest is missing in /help.
Fixed: Old sweeper quest is still shown in /help.
Fixed: Go fast checkpoint interrupted my trashmaster mission, therefore couldn't continue.
Fixed: Issues with eworld and real world - /egun applies to players in the real world - same for ejetpack.
Fixed: bugs revolving around the following commands - /erteams, /eteams , /myeventcolor - not showing or assigning properly
Fixed: Translation error / missing : (Sidequest prompts on entering sweeper/trashmaster).
Fixed: Sweeper quest ends 30 seconds after leaving the sweeper (just as leaving trash van).
Fixed: Implementing something to prevent go fast interrupting trash master mission,sweeper too.
Fixed: Change "60 mins" wait message to show accurate time remaining on sidejob attempts.
Added: Added 6 trashmaster vehicles (veh ID 408).
Added: Added a trashmaster quest: You can use "/trashcollect" inside of a trashmaster to trigger the new quest, with a reward upon completion.
Added: Message to let players know when an event is in progress.
Added: Time below "Zone" banner.
Added: -WSE- Event makers can now use the command /eputbomb to explode players with a bomb in an event.
Added: Command /checkhit ‹ID› added for hitmen to avoid using /seehits when specificity is needed.
Added: Added translations for untranslated strings (from previous revisions).
Changed: players can now use /elist to see who is in the event world.
Changed: Animation filterscript has been integrated with the gamemode to avoid invalid drawing of the time textdraw.
Changed: Remove /lock for gofast cars
Changed: Giving a bomb in a bank interior in an event would result in players that are AFK in the bank to die.
Changed: WSE: /ejetpack now supports an optional parameter for a player ID.
Changed: WSE: Some command names in regards to jetpacks have been changed.
Changed: Parameters for giving medikits were incorrect.
Changed: Clan leaders are now able to remove clan bosses by name.
Changed: Players who have less than 300 activity OR have not logged in for 30 days will lose their items when reset VIA reset system.
Changed: Replaced website announcement with random server messages, as website displayed below minimap.
Changed: Removed radio stations due to broken links: "Sky FM", "Planet Rock" and "Dubstep".
Changed: Removed automatic 2 RCASH reward for sweeper for driving 2 minutes.
Changed: Changed sweeper quest: You can now use "/sweep" inside of a sweeper to trigger a new quest, with a new reward.
Fixed: Kill Death Ratio now shows the correct ratios if you have 0 kills and 0 deaths, deaths and zero kills, and vice versa.
Fixed: /reload animation in the animation filterscript was disabled. Changed animation name to /wreload (weapon reload for short).
Fixed: /display "All on/off" was incorrectly changing values and reflecting improper rcash values.
Fixed: Drug Dealers are no longer allowed to use /whereismyhouse to finish the gofast mission.
Fixed: -WSE- Jetpacks are no longer removed when countdown in eWorld occurs.
Fixed: Bug in relation to event color and spectate for WSE / Admin.
Fixed: Replicating the bank funds VIA erank is now fixed.
Fixed: Fixed bug with losing jetpack when Teleported or when team changed.
Fixed: Fixed a bug where if you timed out holding an object, you'd see the same object on the class selection screen.
Fixed: Added server date/time in bottom right corner, useful for server admins when reading player reports.
Fixed: Resolved a broken string bug on the "/vote" command.
Fixed: Removed weapons from a player who loses anarchist job due to low RCASH.
Fixed: Modified hospital waiting times and health outcomes to promote use of medical workers, vending machines or 24-7 health "items".
Removed: Due to unrelated time bug, city keys side mission (and all aspects) was removed. It is to be rescripted for a much later version.
Added: Upgraded mining areas with new objects (Mapped by Tiesto).
Added: Made a negative kill death ratio for those with more deaths than kills.
Added: Added "city keys" mission for Hitmen and Security Guards.
Added: Added "Ship control" area.
Added: Added "Exhibitor" area.
Added: Added a menu item that allows the player to enable or disable all display items at once. (Command: /display)
Added: Added a kill/death ratio (Command: /kdr)
Added: Added a new menu for admin commands for the level 2+ admins.
Added: WSE members can now give and remove jetpacks in events.
Added: New item added to 24/7 store "cake +35".
Added: Admins level 2+ can change clan tags if they are deemed unsuitable.
Changed: Bosses of clans can no longer promote others to boss, only a clan leader can promote clan boss now.
Changed: You are no longer able to remove clan boss or leader with /clanremovebyname.
Changed: You no longer require a mechanic to lock your vehicle from the public. (Command: /lockmycar)
Changed: Improved messages for waiting limits when trying to use medikits.
Changed: Moved 1 vehicle (savanna) slightly at Zinc mining area due to new objects.
Changed: Moved 3 helicopters (maverick) from near Engineer spawn to new helipads at Lead/Zinc mining area.
Changed: Made the "ship control" area un-forbidden for SG's and Hitmen. Kills by or to players with other jobs will still react as a "forbidden" area.
Changed: The bank area has been made slightly bigger. It extends up to 1 meter extra on each side.
Changed: Increased the possible clan tag size from 3 characters up to 8 characters.
Fixed: Fixed a bug in which you could not use /bagtostock if you had more than 30 medikits in stock.
Fixed: Chances of getting rainy weather has decreased from 50% (1/2) down to 20% (1/5).
Fixed: (20th August 2013) Fixed the message for the time limit between reloading your weapon(s) (Awaiting translations!).
Fixed: (20th August 2013) Fixed the message for the time limit between using medikits from the bag.
Fixed: (20th August 2013) You will no longer be able to go above 30 medikits by using /sellstock.
Added: Police officers and SWAT members can find a suspected players location using /file when they're in police vehicles only.
Added: New command: /helpme (Godfather and Mayor) - Send a message to SGs or Hitmen requesting help with a location.
Added: Added a 30 second limit between use of medikits from bag or stock.
Added: New command: /usemedikit - Use a medikit directly from your stock (you can still /use ID from bag).
Added: Players can now put the item "medikit +45" in their stock (limited to maximum 30 medikits in the stock).
Added: Players can now buy the "Big dildo" item from the sex shop.
Added: Added "sex shop" location in Las Venturas.
Added: Added a grey colour in the /seehits list for players who are AFK with a hit.
Added: Level 3 admins can now give comportment points to online or offline players, to help manage CP refunds easier.
Added: New command for Godfather so they can see which hitman already has a contract.
Added: 3 new job vehicles to be used by Farmers, located at their spawn (Bobcats).
Added: Some anti-spam for SMS 911 messages and for the "/iamavailable" messages. They are limited to 30 seconds.
Added: Citizens will now get a job SMS message when they spawn as well as every hour to make the process faster for them.
Changed: Players weapons will be removed when they are fired by Mayor/Godfather or if SWAT lose their job.
Changed: Admin announcements changed back to the old style ("[ ! ]") but with red colour.
Changed: Sprunk and vending machines will now give you 75HP for the same price as before (2 RCASH).
Changed: Moved vehicle ID 117 (Patriot) from LSPD parking garage. It now spawns against the south wall of the LSPD building.
Changed: Moved several LSPD vehicles to other police departments around the server to organise LSPD parking a little better (less vehicles around).
Changed: Changed "Big Dildo" weapon ID back to the old white vibrator...
Changed: Moved 13 vehicles in Mulholland Intersection parking to other parking spaces of the same parking lot. Type /whereismycar to find the new location, if your vehicle has been moved.
Changed: Added 3 second time limit between /reload as spamming /reload can cause some issues.
Fixed: Removed the player checkpoint if a player types /sms 477 redo after already typing /sms 477 yes.
Fixed: Reset weapons for players who are fired by Mayor or Godfather.
Fixed: Reset weapons for SWATs who lose jobs due to insufficient SWAT points.
Fixed: Fixed a bug where you may spawn outside of the wrong hospital.
Fixed: Fixed a bug where players who own hats would not spawn wearing them, they will now be wearing hats as normal.
Fixed: Fixed respawn bug after dying in event sometimes.
Fixed: Removed the possibility to abuse SA-MP sync when dying by bomb explosion in passenger seats of vehicles.
Fixed: Security Guards would get a free "merit award" item when they were fired by the Mayor, this has been removed as it is not part of the quest.
Fixed: Added another AFK check when a player spawns for the first time, to avoid the player spawning with AFK colour.
Fixed: Spelling mistake on a location (Randoplh Industrial Estate => Randolph Industrial Estate).
Fixed: Resolved a bug with the police vehicles light objects, they now despawn and respawn with the vehicles.
Fixed: (15th June 2013) Ammo bug has been resolved.
Changed: Changed radio URL stream for "West-Side Radio".
Changed: Suspect and unsuspect messages will also be sent to the Mayor.
Changed: Admins will now get a message when a player connects to the server.
Changed: Mayor and Godfather can now get 5 signatures per day instead of 3.
Changed: Changed a message that says you have no bullets when you /reload, it will now say you do not have enough.
Changed: West-Side Events members are now notified when someone does /donate ‹amount›.
Changed: Players who are waiting for the Merit Award can not enter an active event, they must leave the area first to join the event.
Changed: West-Side Event members can not enter the event virtual world if they are waiting for the Merit Award.
Changed: Disabled /callmycar if you're viewing a hospital after a death without a killer.
Changed: Moved "" text up slightly, so the /radio song is available to view fully.
Fixed: If you remove your hat, it will not come back after aiming using a sniper rifle.
Fixed: Disabled some job commands inside event world (/repair, /heal, /givefuel).
Fixed: SWAT are now able to drive the licence giver vehicles with the SWAT access.
Fixed: Drug dealers were not able to wear or remove their skin after a go-fast.
Fixed: Players with authority jobs no longer receive RCASH after killing dealers after the go-fast finished.
Fixed: Interior bug when event closes has been resolved.
Fixed: You can no longer /enter or /exit when inside a vehicle.
Fixed: LuckyMan can not call the gambling vehicle at the bank doors.
Fixed: Mayor and Godfather can no longer fire players when they are in the event world.
Fixed: Commands will not work if you're dead, they will work again when you're not dead (after a respawn).
Fixed: Fixed a bug when reloading weapons sometimes reloaded the gun without taking stock.
Fixed: Interior set to 0 when viewing hospital after a suicide.
Fixed: Fixed a bug for "/buyrandomticket", as it allowed "0" to be used on tickets but would not win lottery with a "0".
Fixed: Fixed spelling for "/buyticket" and "/buyrandomticket" in /help => misc.
Fixed: Fixed double suspect/unsuspect messages being sent to admins with an authority job.
Fixed: Re-added the interior objects at the 50,000 RCASH house in Vinewood.
Fixed: Fixed an empty-string message sent to administrators, necessary information will be shown now.
Fixed: Mystery missions item is now dropped on all job changes, if the player is holding one.
Fixed: Fixed a bug where you could reload weapons without having the bullets in the stock.
Fixed: Godfather will not generate health and armour in event world and Mayor won't generate armour in event world.
Fixed: Removed /help information for /rcashconvert, which no longer exists.
Added: Added hospital names for those who commit suicide.
Added: Added a hospital system, for people who commit suicide (varied time limit and health outcome).
Added: Added a new message to those who send reports to admins, reminding them to make screenshots.
Added: Added an option to buy random lottery ticket (/buyrandomticket at casino).
Added: Weather system (credit Raphinity).
Added: Added limits to /debug command, you have to wait 5 seconds outside of a vehicle.
Added: Removed all ways to get dollars in-game.
Added: Smooth daylight changes.
Added: 3 Sentinels for Hitman.
Added: A command to see developers in-game (/devlist).
Added: Admins will hear a sound when they receive a report or message from players.
Added: Security guards receive a bonus for staying near the Mayor for 1 hour in-gazme.
Added: The Mayor will generate armour if he needs it and is surrounded by 1 or more security guards (and outside of interiors).
Added: Prostitutes receive a bonus for staying near the Godfather for 1 hour in-game.
Added: The Godfather will generate health if he needs it and is surrounded by 1 or more prostitutes (and outside of interiors).
Added: Hitmen receive a bonus for staying near the Godfather for 1 hour in-game.
Added: The Godfather will generate armour if he is surrounded by 1 or more hitmen (and outside of interiors).
Added: PDrivers will receive a bonus (if there's enough in /funds) everytime a citizen who has been in his/her vehicle goes to bank to cash a +20 check (helping new players).
Added: Mechanics will receive a bonus for refueling job vehicles with less than 30% fuel, only if there's enough in /funds (economy reasons).
Added: Added some icons in the citizen spawn area, to help new players when they join the server.
Added: Added 6 bicycles as a citizen job vehicle, for citizens to get around.
Added: Website is displayed below the minimap as a text-draw.
Added: All vending machines will now use RCASH for a full health restore.
Added: Server administrators are sent suspect reasons to help prevent fake suspects.
Added: Server administrators are sent unsuspect messages to help prevent fake un-suspects.
Changed: Admins can not teleport to someone in an event.
Changed: Admins can not teleport someone from an event.
Changed: Disabled animations near bank doors.
Changed: Admin announcements have changed from "[ ! ] %s" to "[ Announcement ]" to avoid confusion over some other messages.
Changed: The anarchists and hitmen are now auto-suspected when they damage a cop/sg/swat/mayor (distance < 120).
Changed: Disabled some commands during the go-fast mission for drug dealers to avoid bug abuses.
Changed: Disabled callmycar near bank doors.
Changed: Admins names are displayed in Admin PMs.
Changed: Removed the automatic audiostreams (ws radio) in clubs / casino.
Changed: You can't reload more than 2000 bullets.
Changed: Admins jail command now features an optional reason field.
Changed: Staying ESC for 10 seconds drops the mysterious item, if you're holding one.
Changed: Rcash bar changed and re-positioned.
Changed: Godfathers vehicles have been changed from Sentinel to Washington.
Changed: Players will no longer receive dollars from stunt bonuses.
Changed: /rcashconvert has been removed.
Changed: All admins now have the ability to mute players.
Changed: All admins now have the ability to teleport players.
Changed: Moved 16 vehicles out of the citizen spawn to de-congest the area. Type /whereismycar to find your new location if it's moved.
Changed: Bank map icon has been set to global.
Changed: Taxis and coach colour has been set to yellow.
Changed: Players will also respawn at their death positions when they are killed by explosion and carkill (the case without any driver) in a no-kill zone / interior.
Fixed: Fixed bug where admin could go to eworld, set things and teleport out to keep event items/weapons.
Fixed: Usage statement for 1 administrators command.
Fixed: If you bet for dollars in casino, they will be reset when you leave the area.
Fixed: The taxi payment will stop when the passenger will exit from the vehicle.
Fixed: Fixed a bug where you could get a job while suspected.
Fixed: Infinite ammo bug.
Fixed: Red Marker bug : the locations (job spawn / go fast arrival...) will be checked and the command /whereismycar won't be available during the passport quest, the job quest and the go fast mission.
Fixed: RCASH won't be taken if player's bag is full (this bug occured by accepting several transactions).
Fixed: Kick messages are now displayed to the kicked player.
Fixed: Godfather is no longer able to put a bomb in his safebox.
Fixed: Godfather is not able to give or sell his contracts.
Fixed: Fixed bugged interior for house near Mayors office.
Fixed: Lights added on the road to Iron ore mine in Flint County.
Added: Display a message when the farmer increases his level.
Added: 3 spoilers (Win, Fury and Alpha) for Cheetah.
Fixed: Rename command.
Fixed: Skin bug which happened when several players were buying a same skin in same time.
Changed: WSE can give a negative amount of ammos (can be used for removing one weapon instead of resetting all of them).
Changed: /carcolors has been changed for working like the command /tunecar (you can try the colors which are saved at carshop exit. It will cost 5rc per color (2 colors = 10rc).
Changed: Anti-Advertising improved.
Changed: Go Fast : Drug Dealers will have to wait 5 seconds instead of 10 at the delivery zone.
Changed: Go Fast : Cops will be alerted later, 30 seconds before the mission starts, instead of 3 minutes.
Changed: Go Fast : Go Fast Mission's car can't be locked.
Removed: Bullbars have been removed (it concerns the Slamvan and Remington).
Added: Portuguese translation.
Added: /eraceload & /eracesave for WSE to load/save races.
Added: /erepairs for WSE to define maximum amount of repairs.
Added: /edrunk & /etdrunk for WSE to set drunk level.
Added: several IRC commands for players & admins.
Fixed: remove SWAT radar when target is lost (killed,jailed,quit).
Fixed: repair go-fast vehicle during warmup to avoid tires being damaged.
Fixed: player can't accept his own call anymore.
Fixed: cops can't jail themselves anymore.
Fixed: possible wrong vehicle destroyed when entering vehicle just after leaving event.
Fixed: /qg not working for farmers & drug dealers.
Fixed: missing usage for several player & admin commands.
Fixed: reason was not shown when using /fire.
Changed: donators get 20rc + donation rounded by 5 for Bank Time.
Changed: donators with >= 30 EUR get 1 additionnal CP per day.
Changed: reset armed weapon when driving a vehicle to avoid auto-aim.
Changed: police earn now 10rc for killing a drug dealer during go-fast.
Changed: display prefix when using "!" to talk with teammates.
Changed: use password mode when registering an account.
Changed: /ecmdoff & /ecmdon now affect WSE with lower levels.
Changed: increased maximum race checkpoints from 200 to 300.
Changed: quests for yellow key and weapon's plan are now for drivers only.
Added: IRC echo & remote commands.
Added: new vehicles at Drug dealer spawn.
Added: WSE can now make air race checkpoints.
Added: /mystock now uses a dialog box with categories.
Added: lower SWAT points by 10% every real day.
Added: lower activity points by 5% every real day, after 7 days of inactivity.
Added: Hitmen are now auto-suspected if they cause damage to SGs,SWATs or Mayor.
Fixed: save/restore virtual world when spectating a player.
Fixed: Diamond, SD complete, Radio, White Flag are not stockable anymore.
Fixed: /jailed & /ogate were missing in /help.
Fixed: donator daily reward was not given if the player was citizen.
Fixed: some minor bugs in lotto system.
Changed: Contract is not stockable anymore.
Changed: firing a Security guard now costs 50 RCASH and requires a reason.
Changed: firing a Hitman now costs 400 RCASH and requires a reason.
Changed: using Raging Bull drug now increases damage when using melee weapons.
Changed: restricted /radarplayer for SWAT to suspected players, Drug dealers in go-fast, and Godfather.
Changed: restricted /location for SWAT to same rules as /radarplayer + Anarchists + Hitmen.
Changed: restricted /whereis for Anarchist to Police and Mayor.
Changed: restricted /whereis for Hitman to Security guards, SWATs, hits, and contracts.
Changed: restricted /whereis for Godfather to Police and Mayor.
Added: new lottery system.
Added: new drug dealer job quest, spawn & weapons.
Added: new routes for yellow key & weapon's plan, using checkpoints.
Added: go-fast system.
Added: Public drivers can get radars (/get radar) and sell them to Police for go-fast.
Added: deejay level system.
Added: /song to request a song to deejays.
Added: (deejays only) /listeners to check how many players are listening to WS radio.
Added: smelting place & 24/7 shop to possible areas in mystery mission.
Fixed: interior was wrongly restored when relogging after leaving event in interior.
Fixed: restore fighting style when leaving event because of death.
Fixed: avoid taking mystery items pickups in eworld.
Fixed: skin was not reset when using /nowhere after /tryskin /tryglasses /tryhat.
Fixed: avoid setting a negative level when promoting a WSE player (/setevent).
Fixed: headshot was not detected with mayor job.
Changed: display AFK status in /donators & /deejays.
Changed: moved radio & deejay commands to a specific section in /help.
Changed: reset weapons when resigning job.
Fixed: wrong kill list when a player was kicked for killing a player.
Fixed: hat was hidden when a player took a mysterious item.
Changed: godfather now receive a contract/bomb every 2 ingame minutes (instead of 1).
Changed: godfather don't receive a contract/bomb if he is AFK.
Changed: godfather can't put contract on citizens anymore.
Added: hats system.
Added: helipad mapping & a buyable Maverick.
Added: map icons for Glasses shop & Hats shop.
Added: second enter/exit in bank.
Added: manage expiration date for donations.
Added: players can talk to team mates in event with the "!" prefix.
Added: mixing workplace & hats shop to possible areas in mystery mission.
Added: job colors in /help > Jobs.
Fixed: moving rifle plan from bag to stock was changing it into rifle bullets plan.
Fixed: bomb was not given to Godfather in some cases.
Fixed: disable anarchist discovering while in event.
Fixed: possible wrong health on respawn while using Red Heart drug.
Fixed: player wasn't removed from prostitute's radar if disconnected while having sex.
Fixed: LGiver checkpoint position after registration was still at the old spawn.
Fixed: fighting style is restored to "GRABKICK" when leaving an event.
Fixed: vehicle & house owner name was not updated when renaming a player.
Fixed: /c chat was visible to players not logged in.
Fixed: some french translations.
Changed: increased drugs duration from 50 to 90 seconds.
Changed: Jamaica Pleasure now set to half of current gravity on each drug taken.
Changed: Red Heart now gives 10 more health on each successive drug taken.
Changed: players now get full health when entering event.
Changed: allowed /ignore command in jail.
Changed: /vote now displays top 10 of VIP rank, instead of activity rank.
Changed: player's health/armour is now restored if getting hurt in a forbidden area.
Changed: player's position is now restored if getting killed in a forbidden area.
Changed: teleport services are now disabled for a player carrying a mysterious item.
Added: SAMP Server Update.
Added: (events) optional vehicle id for /ere, /efuel, /enitro.
Added: drug dealer & farmer jobs.
Added: 3 drug items, usable by players + /drug command.
Added: new area, spawn & vehicles for LGiver.
Added: new buyable vehicles (added by Deagle on 17/07/12).
Added: "/get medikit" command for Medic.
Added: /mystats player command.
Fixed: race checkpoint limit bug, now set to 200.
Fixed: wrong position in event race.
Fixed: race textdraw was not hidden if player dies in event.
Changed: /bet is now limited to activity/10 (instead of activity/4).
Changed: /pm while jailed is now disabled.
Changed: donators now daily earn 10xdonation (instead of 1x).
Changed: updated GM revision.
Removed: /rcash /cp /activity /swatpoint /checkcp /checkactivity from help, making them obsolete.
Removed: /ehelp commands (since /help covers it already).
Added: complete refactoring of /help, using dialogs and a better structure.
Added: display a text bubble above player name when a player chat.
Added: security guards now receive 2 RCASH for protecting the Mayor (killing outlaws while Mayor is near).
Added: /eject command to eject a passenger from your current vehicle.
Added: dollars are now saved & restored on login.
Added: show location in announce when a player drops a mysterious item.
Added: display a specific textdraw while playing a race event, with checkpoint progress & player position.
Added: /efstyle for WSE, to set fighting style in event.
Added: /etskin for WSE, to set skin of a team in event.
Fixed: using "Leave" button in login dialog was processed as entering an invalid password.
Fixed: Casino was open until 20:59, while it should close at 20:00.
Fixed: wrong message when entering an unlocked bought vehicle while the owner is online.
Fixed: mysterious items were not visible when spawned at Mayor's office.
Fixed: SWAT location message was not displaying names properly.
Fixed: player could get bugged when leaving event while in a car & an interior.
Fixed: player was able to use /atele multiple times.
Fixed: WSE members were not rewarded if their team wins.
Fixed: weapons were not properly restored for Mayor & Godfather when leaving event.
Fixed: adjusted spawn of boat vehicle ID340 (type 454).
Changed: disabled automatic jail for cops & security guards.
Changed: security guards can't protect other security guards anymore.
Changed: minimum amount for Casino bets set to 1 RCASH.
Changed: WSE is now immune to flood in event.
Changed: allow player to /leaveevent even with commands off.
Changed: /espin now spin up to the number requested, not number-1.
Changed: /rcashconvert, /bet, /wearskin, /unwearskin & /gamblingcar commands are now forbidden in eworld.
Changed: /eannonce shorten to /eann.
Changed: /esetskin shorten to /eskin.
Added: donation system : donators receive 20rc on bank time, free /callmycar, and a daily rcash reward (depending on their donations).
Added: donation commands : /d (donator channel), and /donators (list donators).
Added: new LSPD interior with 8 cell doors.
Added: /checkcontract command for hitmen, to check if they have a pending contract.
Added: /tryskin to try a skin before buying it, at skin shop.
Added: WSE can now make race events with checkpoints ( check /erace* commands ).
Added: /esetskin for WSE, to set a specific skin to a player.
Added: /einterior for WSE, to teleport to a specific interior.
Added: /espin for WSE, to spin a random number during events.
Added: /enitro for WSE, to put nitro on all vehicles during events.
Added: /eboat for WSE, to teleport to pirate ship in event world.
Added: /erank for WSE, to give different prizes depending on ranking.
Added: /etdisarm for WSE, to disarm a specific team.
Added: /etfreeze & /etunfreeze for WSE, to freeze/unfreeze a list of teams.
Added: /mdrop command to drop mysterious item.
Added: missing "/help mineworker" and "/help engineer".
Fixed: health sometimes wrongly set after respawn.
Fixed: objective of /help quest 10 was not displayed.
Fixed: /help godfather now display the correct command to add contracts.
Fixed: in some cases, player's health was not correctly restore when leaving event.
Fixed: bug when spectating a player in event and the player dies.
Fixed: /stopevent was usable infinitely.
Fixed: accepting an event invite did not disarm the player.
Fixed: /ekick was restoring player position even if the player was not in event anymore.
Fixed: player's weapons were bugged on respawn if he was given many ammo with /espawn enabled.
Fixed: event color was lost if the player died.
Fixed: /ewins & /eteams now has better syntax check (separator, player valid, etc).
Fixed: player's interior was not correctly restored when dieing in an event.
Fixed: glasses position were sometimes unsync when changing player skin.
Fixed: restart a new mystery mission at 06:00/18:00 if previous mission was idle (no players).
Fixed: force player to drop mysterious item on /reconnect.
Fixed: wrong amount message reported when a security guard jails a player.
Fixed: gun bullets names now always require a 's' when using them (e.g. M4 bullets, not M4 bullet).
Fixed: players were not forced to wait inside job house during job registration.
Fixed: job checkpoint could be wrongly set if you reply "/sms 477 yes" inside job house.
Fixed: disarming weapons in event could not remove all ammo if current was not the weapon to disarm.
Fixed: /setpayment & /iamavailable now check that player is driving a taxi/bus/limo.
Fixed: /setpayment is now forbidden on yourself.
Fixed: player color is now always adjusted after actions that affect it (AFK, admin, event, suspected).
Fixed: allow /setpayment for limos.
Fixed: /buyitem was not checking bag space before using player's money.
Fixed: adjusted formatting of some job help commands in /helpme.
Fixed: some french translations mistakes.
Changed: adjusted scale of some mystery pickup items.
Changed: updated help for admins.
Changed: WSE members can now give parachute as weapon (ID 46).
Changed: /edisarm now accept a list of players.
Changed: use /edisarmw to disarm a specific weapon.
Changed: /eicondel now removes only the last icon.
Changed: use /eicondelall to remove all icons.
Changed: /elist now show "WSE" for WSE members.
Changed: /efreeze & /eunfreeze now accept a list of players.
Changed: separator for list of IDs in event commands is now always " " (space).
Changed: renamed /setpayement to /setpayment.
Changed: previous /d command (dev channel) renamed to /dev.
Changed: casino is now open by default on server start.
Updated: SAMP Server from 0.3d to 0.3e.
Added: First trial of mystery mission gameplay.
Added: display max possible bet when entering casino.
Added: crafting workplace to possible mystery areas.
Added: more items icons for mystery mission.
Fixed: taxi player could get spammed of irrelevant message on first spawn.
Fixed: Allow multiple service calls for a player (/mechanic, /medic, /taxi, /bus, /limo).
Fixed: player weapons were sometimes lost on event exit.
Fixed: /sellstock was not displaying transaction properly.
Fixed: admin jail was displaying the wrong duration.
Fixed: various French translation mistakes.
Changed: Report accepted and canceled calls to all players with the relevant job.
Changed: Inform player that no active players with the relevant job can accept the call.
Changed: mystery mission now starts automactially at 06:00 and 18:00.
Added: /fire command for Mayor, to fire Security Guards.
Added: Radio, Merit award & SWAT's signature as stockable items.
Added: Shortcut command /sus (same as /suspect).
Added: Tire Damage.
Added: /nowhere command update (agains't abusers).
Added: Glasses System.
Added: {LuckyMan} Gambling System.
Fixed: Reset SMS status when setting job as citizen.
Fixed: Remove job for COP & SWAT when they lost their weapon licence.
Fixed: Protecting a player from a SG doesn't stop after 1 minute for 'Incorrect job'.
Fixed: AC wont detect SG armour protect as hack anymore.
Fixed: /wsopen & /wsclose was wrongly available to clan-less players.
Fixed: SG can't suspect SG anymore, and can now unsuspect COP.
Fixed: Mayor wasn't able to use Sniper weapon.
Fixed: /reload sniper wasn't available for Mayor.
Fixed: Transaction system refactored.
Fixed: Usage message for /addhit.
Fixed: "Godfather's agreement" to Diamond stock bug.
Fixed: Ensure SWAT get full armour on respawn.
Changed: Godfather has now unlimited ammo for SDpistol & AK47.
Changed: Godfather now earns 15rc when killing Mayor.
Changed: Players can't add hit on Godfather.
Changed: Updated allowed weapons depending on jobs.
Changed: SWAT & SG now get 5 RCASH when /jail player, still 2 RCASH for COP.
Changed: COP & SWAT can now get black flag when killing hitmen.
Changed: Casino win rate from 33% to 50%.
Changed: "GodFather" => "Godfather" in client messages.
Changed: Removed clan tags from /admins and /wse list.
Changed: Refactored /bet code.
Added: Godfather job added to the server.
Added: Player's health is now saved, when a player exits the game, he respawns (after relog) with its previous health.
Added: Tuning system + Carplate + car colors : /tunecar - /untunecar - /carplate - /carcolors.
Added: Mayor's election system : /vote and /election.
Added: Added extra vehicles for cops / SG (with lights).
Fixed: Fixed a bug which doesn't remove CP to a player killing from a long distance. It will still stay hidden from kill list and no suspect, but it will respect the DM rule.
Fixed: Fixed a bug which allows players to buy a vehicle without a mechanic (it only checked if another player was passenger, whatever his job).
Fixed: Fixed a bug which set health to 0hp at spawn.
Fixed: Fixed a bug which sometimes spawns the player at job spawn instead of the position saved.